The Exhibit
This travelling exhibit consists of a body of twenty-five paintings and educational elements honoring America’s wild places. The focus is on large and small mammals and their habitats. This fully curated exhibit uses the backdrop of Glacier National Park as well as a Native American perspective. Each large mammal is portrayed expressively with dye on silk, an ancient medium that is both colorful and visually strong. The educational components include skulls, pelts, an interactive 360-degree video as well as comprehensive written material about the habitats and the impact of climate change.
The Tour
C.M. Russell Museum
Great Falls, MT
October 2020
Booth Western Art Museum
Cartersville, Georgia
October 21, 2021 – February 27, 2022
Hockaday Museum of Art
Kalispell, Montana
March 3, 2023 - June 17, 2023
Copper Village Museum and Art Center
Anaconda, MT
Summer 2024
Whitefish High School
Whitefish, MT
Fall / Winter 2024
Book Us for Your Museum
Contact us if you are interested in having the Forever Glacier Exhibit at your Museum, Gallery, or Business.
Large Mammals

Alces alces

Antilocapra americana

Bison bison

Canis latrans

Canis lupis

Cervus canadensis

Gulo gulo

Lynx canadensis

Lynx rufus

Odocoileus hemionus

Odocoileus virginianus

Ovis canadensis

Oreamnos americanus

Puma concolor

Ursus americanus

Ursus arctos

Vulpes velox

Vulpes vulpes
Small Mammals

Small Mammals of the River Bottoms

Small Mammals of the Prairies & Grasslands

Small Mammals of the Alpine Meadow

Small Mammals of the Old Growth Forest

Glacier Park: Where Earth Meets Sky

The Crown Jewels
